www.brandusa.be  portraits order
rich people - lama

Portraits are the first preference Brandusa had as art student. Tousands of studies after model, drawings, paintings and clay figures were made by the artist during the study period in the renown Tonitza Fine Art Lyceum and in the period beetwen the graduation and the time he started to study at The National Fine Arts Accademy "Nicolae Grigoresco" in Bucharest.

In the late 1990' Brandusa worked almost exclusively at film and computer animation projects. The portraits continued to play an important role in this projects, as video-id, graphic brands and caracter design. Brandusa's special

In the last years Brandusa worked with porcelain and ceramic clay, modelling portraits of various private people, specially children.



film still, The vision, episode 3, the abiss
portret photoshop composition, Mariella Brandusa